Friday, December 9, 2011

Find Happiness

"We must seek the true causes of happiness and satisfaction in ourselves" ~ 14th Dalai Lama

What do YOU want to do?

The biggest thing racing, and wrapping my head around a winning attitude (thanks Hoff) has taught me is this: Be assertive and go after what you want. Happiness is not sitting behind a rock some where waiting for you to find it. It is in you. right now. You need to figure out what that means to you and make it happen.
For me the present is pretty full of it right now, but I am always looking toward the future. I am hoping the it looks like going back to school for PHD in Applied Math. I am just starting the application process, and writing about it seemed like a lot more fun than writing a personal essay to the U of A. In thinking about the application process, I became pretty fired up on life. I love racing, and learning. If all goes well, I will be knee deep in both for 2012. How ever it plays out, I feel like triathlon has but me in the driver seat of my life. I am no longer along for the ride. What ever it is that lights your fire, do it. NOW!!! ROCK ON.

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